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Below you will find the steps to setup your iDogCam service within the gignr software.(Click the photos for a larger view.)


Inputting the iDogCam gingr ID

iDogCam will provide you with a 3 to 4 digit number called the iDogCam gingr id. You will navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Webcams » iDogCam kennel id and input your Kennel ID in the iDogCam kennel id field.


Configure Public Cameras

To add public cameras, navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Webcams » iDogCam Public Cameras. Click the button Choose Webcams and pick cameras to display publicly to all logged-in customers.

By default public cameras will be available to all pet parents when logged into the customer portal. They will not have to have a checked-in reservation. If you would prefer to restrict access on public cameras only to owners with checked-in pets, you can turn on the setting in Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Webcams called iDogCam public cameras only checked in. If enabled, this will only display your public cameras to pet parents with a checked-in pet.

Effective 5/6/2021, you have the ability to decide whether public webcams will be accessible by customers at no cost or will require a charge to view. By default there is no charge associated with public cameras. If you would like to charge for access to public cameras during a reservation stay, you can do so by enabling the Require iDogCam Service for Public Cameras setting under Admin » Webcams. When enabled, the system will check if the pet parent has an iDogCam service on their reservation when displaying the webcams to them.


<Configure Lodging-Specific Cameras

Next, we will configure cameras associated with specific lodgings at your facility. You can choose to either allow them to view their lodgings webcam as a complementary part of a reservation, or charge for viewing of these cameras as an upgrade to a reservation via a service.

You will navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Manage Areas/Lodgings. Edit each lodging to enter the iDogCam Camera ID in that field.

If you want to charge for webcams as an additional service on your reservations:

Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Reservation Types and Services Configuration » Select a Reservation Type and create or edit an existing service.

To allow customers to view webcams if they have paid for the service:

Enable to Is iDogCam Service setting on that additional service. You will set the price for this service in Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Location Default Rates.

If enabled, the pet parent must have this service on their reservation scheduled for the day they want to view the camera associated with the lodging that their animal is in.

This is optional. If you want pet parents to view lodging cams for free, don’t set up the service for that reservation type.

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